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  • All orders will be processed within 2-3 business days.

  • Once orders are processed you will receive a confirmation email with your shipping details such as the estimated delivery date and tracking numbers.

  • Once orders have been shipped please allow up to 7 business days for your order to arrive. So, from the time you place your order, until it reaches your hands, you can expect to be waiting for about 10 days total.

  • If you have not recieved your item please check your tracking numbers and then please contact us at customersupport@freshfrais for more updates.

  • If you order a preorder item please be advised that the preorder item has not been made yet.

  • Preorders can take upwards of 6 months before they will be delivered to you. Some preorders will take a shorter amount of time depending on the item that is on preorder. Please read the details of each item you are ordering.

  • Please be advised that we are a small company and we strive to get our consumers the best products and materials we can find.

  • We appreciate so much all preorders that are placed. Please trust that we are working very hard to get you your orders in a timely fashion.

  • Preorders do take more time to be delivered but we are certain that you will love your items once you get your hands on them.

  • If we are unable to fulfill your orders we will let you know as quickly as possible and return your money to you promptly.

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